Metasploit Array Handling
When developing exploit for OpenNetAdmin , more than one values sent with the same parameter.
vars_post = {
'xajax' => 'window_submit',
'xajaxargs[]' => 'tooltips',
'xajaxargs[]' => 'ip%3D%3E;#{filter_bad_chars(cmd)};',
'xajaxargs[]' => 'ping'
However, when using vars_post in Metasploit, the values were received as hash, and when trying to send it as above, the error was encountered. The request that sent looks like xajax=window_submit&xajaxargs%5B%5D=ping
With the change I made in the client_request.rb file, array handling support was added to POST request.
opts['vars_post'].each_pair do |var,val|
var = var.to_s
unless val.is_a?(Array)
val = [val]
val.each do |v|
v = v.to_s
pstr << '&' if pstr.length > 0
pstr << (opts['encode_params'] ? set_encode_uri(var) : var)
pstr << '='
pstr << (opts['encode_params'] ? set_encode_uri(v) : v)
Metasploit has started to accept the values to be sent with the same parameter as below as an array.
vars_post = {
'xajax' => 'window_submit',
'xajaxargs[]' => ['tooltips', 'ip=>;#{cmd};', 'ping']